Dried strawberry

  • Proteins: 0 g
    Carbohydrates: 7.02 g
    Fats: 0.37 g
    Energy value: 314 kcal

Strawberries are a very tasty and valuable storehouse of vitamins. After all, everyone knows how much in it is so useful to the body of vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin B9 and trace elements.This berry is very useful for anemia, gout, some diseases of the digestive tract.It has a very good effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body. And besides, the strawberry is a low-calorie product that promotes weight loss. Dried strawberries retain all their useful properties for two years of storage and have a beneficial effect on the body. In the dried strawberry have vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, organic substances, folic and other acids, minerals. Especially valuable dried berries contain pectic acids, which contribute to the excretion of slag from the body.


We strive to provide our customers with healthy and delicious dried fruits all year round. we harvest fruit from different regions of Azerbaijan during the season, using modern methods and technologies and observing complete hygiene at all stages of processing the product until packaging.

Thanks to the use of the "Cold dry" technology in the production process (drying at low temperature), we have kept for you all vitamins and minerals in dried fruits.

The name of the product


Production season

The shape of the beating


Netto  (kq)

Dried strawberry


May, June


Polypropylene packaging with modified atmosphere (MAP), transparent / black rectangular

1,4 kg wholesale or 100 q retailers

Product request

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